7:00 PM |
Don't Overfeed Fish |

Overfeeding is one of the biggest causes of fish deaths. The type of fish that you keep will determine how often they should be fed.
As a general rule, small fish like tetras and Guppies need feeding small amounts of food throughout the day. This can be as much as three times per day if your filtration and water changing regime is good.
Larger fish can be fed less often, and once or twice per day is fine. Very large fish (60 cm/24”and over,) should be fed every other day.
There are other considerations, and they include how active the fish is, and whether they are herbivores or carnivores.
Herbivores gain little nutrition from the plant or algae matter that they eat. As a result, they have to munch on it constantly. Mollies and mbuna cichlids from Lake Malawi are herbivores.
Carnivores are adapted to deal with large, protein-rich chunks of meat, but eat it far less often. Predatory fish that eat other fish should be fed once or twice a week on large, fishy foods. Oscars and Piranha are carnivores.
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